Audit & policy
Knowing what you are doing is essential to your organisations ongoing safeguarding development - safeguarding audit fulfils this function. Policy and procedure provide the foundation and scaffolding to support your safeguarding culture.

Our work begins with finding out what you do already. This starts with audit of your current practice.
We provide tiered options to fit your budget to enable thorough analysis of safeguarding culture in your organisation.
We provide a tried and tested audit tool for you to complete. This will indicate which areas you need to develop on your improvement journey.
Bronze level plus
We provide the audit tool and access to my policy bank to support your development.
Once you have completed the audit tool – we arrange for an online call to talk you through suggested improvements to your practice, helping you to capture this as an action plan for your improvement journey.
Silver level plus
This is Silver level plus access to the policy bank to support your improvement journey.
We complete the audit tool alongside you, in your setting – developing the action plan for improvement with you. Access to the policy bank is included in this.
This bespoke package starts with completing the audit tool alongside you in your setting – developing the action plan for improvement, followed by ongoing support including policy bank, professional development for you and your staff.
Debbie Innes Safeguarding can provide policies from an established policy bank giving you a framework to evolve your safeguarding foundation and structure that capture practical guidance succinctly, so that you can be sure that policy really informs practice.
These are provided as part of some of the tiered audit options or individually. Please do contact us for a quote if you require one or more of the following or you want to discuss what you should have in your organisation.
- Allegations Management – including Low Level Concerns
- Anti-bullying policy
- Attendance Policy (including Children Missing Education)
- Relationship (Behaviour) Policy
- Early Help
- Educational Visits policy
- Equality Statement
- First Aid policy
- Intimate care policy
- Medical needs policy
- Moving and Handling Policy
- Online safety policy
- Positive handling policy
- Relationships and sex education policy
- Risk Assessment procedure
- Safer Recruitment Policy – including induction
- Safeguarding policy – including early help
- SEND Policy
- Single Central Record
- Social and Digital Media Policy
- Staff code of conduct
- Supervision policy
- Volunteers and Visitors Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy.

Safeguarding charity
Featured resources
We offer a variety of resources including a policy bank and a school safeguarding audit.
These and more can be found on my resources page. Below is a selection of introductory guides, written to get you started on these topics.

Introduction to trauma informed/shame sensitive practice

Levels of Child Protection (1989 Children Act)